One collar finished and on to the second. This so far was the hardest part for me. Trying to keep track of the rows, watching the length in order to place the pattern rows, the increases on one side while decreasing on the other and then binding off at appropriate length. Hopefully I did it right. Now I must reverse all the shaping doing it opposite for the right collar. As you can see, this is looking more like a sewing project waiting to happen. As soon as I finish the second collar I get to figure out how to put all these pieces together in some sort of fashion that will make a shrug! I have been assured to trust the wisdom of Norah and that it will all make sense. I have one schematic and one Ravelry users' pictures to look at, thankfully. I still notice only 8 people are doing this project...hmm...but alot have it in their queue. I did block the pieces, but then folded them in a bag, therefore, the creases. I do love this Inca Gold yarn!
I'm sure this pattern will look great on you! Can't wait to see the finished product!
Wow that looks like its going to have lots of sewing! Its going to be beautiful though...can't wait to see it!
Wow! That looks so intricate. I would hate to have to stitch it all together - being the impatient, instant gratification person that I am..... haha
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